Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Today's Happenings

We were bid farewell by the order before going on our mission and given reward of gold, for our efforts in killing the ghouls. Chisabelle had her wages garnished, of course. Becoming of a Copolds Acolyte, she insisted on paying her entire reward to me as part of her debt repayment. I graciously accepted her initiative.

We set off east, through the Outlands. There, we found a tower of white stone, with a historical record of Freevale carved in. Galwyn explained that the monument was from before the Freevale was truly free. He taught us about Androth's conquest of the Freevale, which before him had been divided into several rival kingdoms. Androth easily conquered the peoples of the land, divided as they were. Countless people rallied together for their freedom against Androth, and in the process forged both a common identity, and built the foundation for their freedom.

The tower's bottom had the earliest history, new rings were added upon top to add to the record. Perhaps one day more rings shall be added, featuring both Pelor and his Copolds faithful.

Borik found an odd bush with pink and white berries, and gathered 10 of both. Using my knowledge of the world, I determined they were moonberries, of which the pink unripe and as such, are poisonous. The white ones can be eaten. The rest of the CoW gathered the berries, and they would come in handy later.

We encountered Zuruk, an avid duelist and weapon collector. He challenged Tran to a duel, a challenge of skill and strength. He was somewhat impressed with the heretic, but claimed "the blades sing, but not with each other." Surly Zuruk meant that only Pelor will bring Mr. Tran to greater skill and strength. Such a wise man. After all, Zuruk is a master of the Blademaster art. His greatest weapon is a mastercraft sunblade, forged in his homeland in the far east. An interesting man, he told us of his greatest opponent, his teacher. Before parting, Zuruk warned of us of a local cyclops.

After travelling deeper into the Outlands, I bravely repelled a anti-Peloric gang of Gnomes, without help. I had defeated them so quickly that the CoW couldn't even react to help. I wondered if the heretics in our company would have sided with the devilish gang, had I not put them in their place.

Later, Mo Kaelin found a gruesome scene, a dead couple lying near a dead bear. He skinned the bear and obtained its hide. The woman was named Dana, as we discovered when Buddy found her journal. It detailed their plans and efforts to find Androth's Crown Jewel, the site of his final battle, near an important forest. It mentioned a city called Northgate, and we discovered a standard Freevale map with some locations marked off. Bishop Kaelin and I held a Copolds funeral rite for Dana and her man. As such, their spirits were laid to rest.

We continued further east, and found an abandoned mine. There, we found a locket held in the hands of a deceased miner. Inside a love letter meant for Reysa of Eastgate. The Company resolved, under oath of Pelor, to deliver this last letter.

Finally the CoW came upon the local Cyclops. He had illegally occupied a farmhouse, probably abandoned by good, Pelor-fearing folk upon his arrival. So we decided to rid the world of his evil, and to avenge the farmers he drove away. Borik poisoned the cyclops with some of our pink moonberries. He coughed and proved it would take more than that to take him down. He quickly woke up and attacked the party, like the monster it is.

Tran the heretic, attempted to draw the Cyclops' attacks, but failed from his lack of faith in Pelor.
The Bloodaxe guided me in combat, and so did Pelor's divine grace. Buddy "Ice Knife" Bloodaxe used his ice knifes, of course. Together, we managed to defeat the Cyclops without injury.

In the Cyclops' pouches, we discovered a book that detailed the wealthy Vandril estate, of which the Cult of Androth's leader, Damacus, is the sole male heir. However, he does have a sister who could lay claim to the fortune. She may be a powerful ally, given the right incentive. 

 Pelor must be very pleased with our Company recently. However, I'm sure he will give us greater challenges in the future in order to grow our faith.

Praise Pelor, Praise the Sun!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Today's Happenings

We arrived at the ghoul's burrow, and engaged the ghouls in combat. Borik Stronghand joined us in battle for the first time, and he did really well. Charles E.W. the Heretic killed one in a single motion, which was impressive for a heretic. I absolutely demolished another ghoul with my holy weapon, the Bloodaxe, proving that Pelor helps both the faithful and those meant to become so. After all the ghouls only targeted the heretic party members, but could not land a hit because of Pelor's mercy. They could have attacked me, but they knew the consequences of messing with Him. As such, we defeated the ghouls without taking a single scratch.

When we came to loot the bodies, we found some interesting belongings, mostly. Buddy "the Elf" Bloodaxe obtained a copper Dwarven timepiece from a ghoul's corpse, kept it to honor his Dwarven heritage. Chisabelle found a diamond ring on a dead ghoul, lucky girl said no to the proposal but kept the ring anyway. Mr. Tran (the heretic) found a special dagger, or something lame like that.

After obtaining our just rewards, we returned to the Order's new camp. There, we went to Brother Eldan, and learned about the Cult's leader, an old Elf who lived when the cult's founder was still alive. The order needs us to find out what he is up to.

To prepare, we bought some new supplies. I purchased a restock for my crossbow bolts. Chisabelle paid back part of her debt to me, still due for her previous resurrection. The party is now ready for anything.

The jerk Katagon, realized by experimenting with the mysterious gauntlet, that he isn't as smart as he thought he was. He awkwardly requested out help in locating items that may help his studies.

As we slept before going out on our dangerous mission, traumatic dreams forewarned an incoming revelation. What does this mean!?

Copolds Hymn #2

Pelor loves me,
This I know,
Because my Copolds Clergy member tells me so.
...Be sure to reward him for telling you so.
Written by Dr. Roland Bloodaxe.

The Order of the Purest Light!

With the increased prominence of the Copolds faith, comes increased risk. As such, we find it necessary to establish an order of the military variety. This military order shall be called "The Order of the Purest Light", in honor of Pelor's grace and power (I sometimes feel we get distracted by the minutia of politics when our purpose is to serve Pelor). We hereby commission our new Templar, Borik Stronghand, as the first member of the order. The order will comprise of two ranks of service: Knights, who are equivalent to Acolytes for purposes for administrative purposes, including Patriarch elections. Above them are Templars, proven to be the elite of the order. They are equivalent to Reverends for Administrative purposes. Templars answer only to a Patriarch, and the Knights answer to their Templar superiors.

This could never go wrong, I know it with all my faith.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Welcoming a New Party Member! Borik Stronghand!

I am proud to introduce Borik Stronghand - A dwarven former desert hermit who lived alone, but managed to make himself comfortable in such conditions. He encountered Ragrokor, a hobgoblin village, and was swayed by the missionaries to join the Copolds faith. Now he uses his skills as a brutal survivor to become a holy warrior. This Paladin serves the Copolds faith, its clergy, and its mission. He will be joining the Company of Weirdos, and we can't wait to take him under our wing. Give him a warm welcome!

Copolds Hymn #1

Pelor is the Sun,
and the Sun gave us the world.

Our world is full of life,
and life gave us our existence.

One's existence is always short,
and death returns us to the earth.

The earth is always hardening,
and this creates the Stone.

Know the Stone,
and soon you will know,
The earth beneath your feet,
The existence of those long passed,
The world in which we share,
and Pelor, the all-mighty god of the Sun.

So may the man who knows the dwarf,
Who uses his cunning to know the stone,
Cherish the gift which Dwarves bring.

Should he not, 
May shame be brought down,
For Turning their backs on the

Written by Dr. Roland Bloodaxe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Articles of Succession

The Patriarch serves for life. The Patriarchate's successor is elected by a consensus of the clergy, but only those ranked Reverend or higher. The heir to the newly deceased Patriarch's diocese shall be determined by the written will of said Patriarch. All other positions made vacant are appointed by the Patriarch.