Showing posts with label Copolds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Copolds. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Have Your Peloran Wedding!

Have someone who you can trust to watch your back? Why not make things official with a Peloran Wedding Ceremony, hosted by the Patriarch himself? Those unions blessed by Pelor himself have a strong power to them, and for good reason! You literally have divine protection when near your partner!

For a reasonable donation of 99 gold pieces to the Copolds Faith, this amazing experience can be yours! Take advantage of this offer now, and I will throw in a 25% off coupon for Yorgin's Mastercrafts. What an amazing deal! But remember, this offer cannot be found in stores! Contact Dr. Roland Bloodaxe now!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Copolds Hymn #2

Pelor loves me,
This I know,
Because my Copolds Clergy member tells me so.
...Be sure to reward him for telling you so.
Written by Dr. Roland Bloodaxe.

The Order of the Purest Light!

With the increased prominence of the Copolds faith, comes increased risk. As such, we find it necessary to establish an order of the military variety. This military order shall be called "The Order of the Purest Light", in honor of Pelor's grace and power (I sometimes feel we get distracted by the minutia of politics when our purpose is to serve Pelor). We hereby commission our new Templar, Borik Stronghand, as the first member of the order. The order will comprise of two ranks of service: Knights, who are equivalent to Acolytes for purposes for administrative purposes, including Patriarch elections. Above them are Templars, proven to be the elite of the order. They are equivalent to Reverends for Administrative purposes. Templars answer only to a Patriarch, and the Knights answer to their Templar superiors.

This could never go wrong, I know it with all my faith.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Welcoming a New Party Member! Borik Stronghand!

I am proud to introduce Borik Stronghand - A dwarven former desert hermit who lived alone, but managed to make himself comfortable in such conditions. He encountered Ragrokor, a hobgoblin village, and was swayed by the missionaries to join the Copolds faith. Now he uses his skills as a brutal survivor to become a holy warrior. This Paladin serves the Copolds faith, its clergy, and its mission. He will be joining the Company of Weirdos, and we can't wait to take him under our wing. Give him a warm welcome!

Copolds Hymn #1

Pelor is the Sun,
and the Sun gave us the world.

Our world is full of life,
and life gave us our existence.

One's existence is always short,
and death returns us to the earth.

The earth is always hardening,
and this creates the Stone.

Know the Stone,
and soon you will know,
The earth beneath your feet,
The existence of those long passed,
The world in which we share,
and Pelor, the all-mighty god of the Sun.

So may the man who knows the dwarf,
Who uses his cunning to know the stone,
Cherish the gift which Dwarves bring.

Should he not, 
May shame be brought down,
For Turning their backs on the

Written by Dr. Roland Bloodaxe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Articles of Succession

The Patriarch serves for life. The Patriarchate's successor is elected by a consensus of the clergy, but only those ranked Reverend or higher. The heir to the newly deceased Patriarch's diocese shall be determined by the written will of said Patriarch. All other positions made vacant are appointed by the Patriarch.

Ranks of Clergy

Here is the official hierarchy of the Copolds clergy, from most authority to the least.
  1. Patriarch - They are the head of the church.
  2. Archbishop - A title held by the head of an archbishopric.
  3. Bishop - A title held by the head of a bishopric.
  4. Reverend - a full member of the clergy.
  5. Acolyte - A clergy trainee.

Official List of Copolds Organization Properties

The Church of Pelor of Latter Day Saints (Copolds) has been formally registered with the Consortium, and properties have been put in the organization's name. Each property is the responsibility of the diocese it is located in. The official properties include:
  • Patriarch Roland's Cathedral, named for the Copolds' first organized head of faith, Patriarch Roland I of Torrun. Seat of the Archbishopric of Torrun.
  • Saint Owyn's Temple, named for a Copolds movement saint that lived long ago, in a distant land. He is the ancestor of Patriarch Roland I. Seat of the Bishopric of Ragrokor.
  • 30% of Yorgin's Mastercrafts and 100% ownership of its Copolds Alcoholics Anonymous program. Located in Torrun.

Today's Happenings

First we announced the Copolds successful exorcism of a haunted house, for which the Patriarch declined the reward personally, allowing the rest of the Company to receive more gold.

Then, Acolyte Chisabelle handed over her mysterious gauntlet despite the protests of the wise half-elf, Bishop Mo Kaelin.

We returned to Yorgan's Blacksmith and Bishop Kaelin received a saber-tooth hide armor, and a worm knife. The Company's heretic Dao received a nice lance made from behemoth bone. Acolyte Chisabelle received a tomahawk. Patriarch Roland I received the Ancient Behemoth Blade known dubbed the Bloodaxe. 

I registered the Church with the Consortium, and purchased a home in Torrun to be renovated into Patriarch Roland's Cathedral. It will be the seat of the Archbishopric of Torrun. Yay for the bureaucracy of the Consortium, hopefully one day we will be large enough to tax them.

After going through Katagon's portal, Bishop Kaelin helped us track some evil, anti-Pelor (redundant, I know) beings, the necrophages. The Company may blow up their nest. We traveled through a desert, and reflected on our lives. We set up camp with the Order.

Finally, we realized how fortunate we are to have the mighty Pelor's blessing.

The Bloodaxe (Patriarch Roland I)

The Holy Weapon known as the Bloodaxe has been forged for Patriarch Roland I by the blacksmith Jorgen of Torrun. It shall surely be a sacred artifact for the Copolds in the years to come. 

Praise Pelor!

Praise the Sun!

Roland Bloodaxe's Coronation as the Copolds Patriarch, unknown date, colorized

Hear me, followers of Pelor! Today, by the right of Pelor's grace and the Copolds faithful, I am justly coronated as His Holiness, Patriarch Roland I of the Church of  Pelor of Latter Day Saints and Archbishop of Torrun. May our faith in Pelor lead us not only to glorious success, but to mend the broken as well. The peoples of these lands face many challenges that only the power of the Copolds can resolve. Through my divine leadership, blessed by Pelor himself, peoples such as those in Torrun will be granted what they deserve in this life, and in the next.
Praise Pelor!
Praise the Sun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Declaration of the Copolds Sect

Today is a truly momentous occasion for the faithful. In recent months, Reverend Dr. Roland Bloodaxe founded a mission branch servicing Ragrokor, invested in a smithy located in Torrun, and established in Torrun the flagship Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), which is a community outreach program aimed at reducing problems that arise from alcohol dependency through a 12-step program.

Our Reverend has contributed an incredible amount to the movement that is the Church of Pelor of Latter Day Saints, but his devotion to Pelor falls on the deaf ears of mainstream clergy. To this end, we formally separate in communion from the mainstream to establish an independent Church of Pelor of Latter Day Saints (CoPoLDS), which may be shortened as the Copolds Faith

The Copolds Faith henceforth declares the Reverend Dr. Roland Bloodaxe as its first Archbishop of Torrun and as the first Patriarch of the Church of Pelor of Latter Day Saints.
In recognition of other influential Copolds movement leaders, Mo Kaelin will be invested as the first Bishop of Ragrokor. Meanwhile Buddy Bloodaxe will be formally invested as a Reverend.

As such, the following formal roles in the clergy shall be invested:
  • The Patriarchate of the Copolds Faith, which holds domain over the entire faith. Its seat shall be with the Diocese under the Patriarch's direct control.
  • The Archbishopric of Torrun, centered in the city. It holds domain over Copolds within Torrun's borders along within any bishoprics assigned under it. Its seat shall be Patriarch Roland's Cathedral, located in the city proper.
  • The Bishopric of Ragrokor, its domain the village. It is under the jurisdiction of the Archbishopric of Torrun, and led by a Bishop. Its seat is Saint Owyn's Temple.
Leaders have a privilege to collect tithes within their domain, but also have a duty to pass on at least 50% of the tithe to the immediate superior for which they are under jurisdiction.

The proper way to address Dr. Roland Bloodaxe shall be, for as long as he holds the relevant positions in Copolds:
  • In most formal settings, his address shall be as Patriarch Roland I.
  • In Torrun he may be addressed as Archbishop.

Finally, a process for deciding the next Patriarch, who serves for life, will be decided later in declaration.

Edit: Updated to include the physical seat of the Archbishopric of Torrun and the Bishopric of Ragrokor.

Copolds' Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step Program

  1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.
  2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Pelor as the Copolds Faith understands Him.
  4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  5. Admitted to Pelor, to ourselves, and to another member of the Copolds Faith being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  6. Were entirely ready to have Pelor remove all these defects of character.
  7. Humbly asked Pelor to remove our shortcomings.
  8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
  9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
  10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
  11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with Pelor, through the Copolds Faith, consulting fellow Copolds for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Dr. Roland Bloodaxe's Investments

  • Established a basic temple for the Church of Pelor of Latter Day Saints (C.o.P.o.L.D.S. or Copolds) in Ragrokor. It is known as Saint Owyn's Temple.
  • 30% stake in Yorgin's Mastercrafts of Torrun (Transfers 10% to Jorgen when he pays off debt to consortium). 
  • Established the first Copolds branch of Alcoholics Anonymous in Torrun.
  • Bought an abandoned home in Torrun, and renovated it into Patriarch Roland's Cathedral. This a deed recognized by the consortium.
Edit: Updated with information on a new investment, and the name of the temple in Ragrokor.