Showing posts with label Financial Notes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Financial Notes. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Official List of Copolds Organization Properties

The Church of Pelor of Latter Day Saints (Copolds) has been formally registered with the Consortium, and properties have been put in the organization's name. Each property is the responsibility of the diocese it is located in. The official properties include:
  • Patriarch Roland's Cathedral, named for the Copolds' first organized head of faith, Patriarch Roland I of Torrun. Seat of the Archbishopric of Torrun.
  • Saint Owyn's Temple, named for a Copolds movement saint that lived long ago, in a distant land. He is the ancestor of Patriarch Roland I. Seat of the Bishopric of Ragrokor.
  • 30% of Yorgin's Mastercrafts and 100% ownership of its Copolds Alcoholics Anonymous program. Located in Torrun.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Dr. Roland Bloodaxe's Investments

  • Established a basic temple for the Church of Pelor of Latter Day Saints (C.o.P.o.L.D.S. or Copolds) in Ragrokor. It is known as Saint Owyn's Temple.
  • 30% stake in Yorgin's Mastercrafts of Torrun (Transfers 10% to Jorgen when he pays off debt to consortium). 
  • Established the first Copolds branch of Alcoholics Anonymous in Torrun.
  • Bought an abandoned home in Torrun, and renovated it into Patriarch Roland's Cathedral. This a deed recognized by the consortium.
Edit: Updated with information on a new investment, and the name of the temple in Ragrokor.