Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Last Session's Happenings

We bravely fought and slayed the unholy spider. With Pelor's blessings, it was hardly a fight at all.

Then, we continued our deep investigation of the Cult. After interviewing two cult members, we determined that they come from all walks of life, and have diverse motives including job stability.

After exploring the tunnels some more, we come across a sort of office. Borik Stronghand found a secret compartment with 4 books; they were on on alchemy, time travel, ancient peoples of Freevale, and a strange tale of Melandis. A great find, as expected of the Templar of the Order of the Purest Light.

We suspected that putting the books back in their proper location in the nearby bookcase would activate some sort of door. However, the false idol Denir must have misled the party, as nothing happened. Why must heretics exist? Had it not been for them, we would have spent our time more wisely.

During our thorough search of the underground base, a great horn blew, and the cult members flocked down the tunnel. We blended into the misguided flock of cultists, and made it to a ominous gathering point. Damacus Vandril appeared. We could feel his sense of superiority and hear his evil, yet melodious voice.

We watched in horror as he unveiled his captives on display. 

The first was Councilman Avanathus, of Perdigrad. He is a leader of the city, who knows what could happen with demise? We know Perilla Gellard plots a revolution in Perdigrad, maybe his death would be the spark she needs?

The second captive was Sage of Ragrokor, Ortan. His wit and vision led him to created a civilized hobgoblin town, and his wisdom allowed a Copolds temple to be built and run there. If he dies, would the hobgoblins revert to their unbaptized states?

The third captive was Loris Saverin, Magistrate of Melandis. He is the one who started our journey, and gave our company the start it needed. He gave us our purpose. We are in many ways in his eternal debt.

My heart nearly stopped when the fourth captive was revealed to be Galwin. He has looked out for us, the party, and has been our guide through our time in the Order of St. Jauffre, Without him, could we even survive?

The anticipation of what will come next rattles my bones. May Pelor of mercy on their souls, and on ours.

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