Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Order of the Purest Light!

With the increased prominence of the Copolds faith, comes increased risk. As such, we find it necessary to establish an order of the military variety. This military order shall be called "The Order of the Purest Light", in honor of Pelor's grace and power (I sometimes feel we get distracted by the minutia of politics when our purpose is to serve Pelor). We hereby commission our new Templar, Borik Stronghand, as the first member of the order. The order will comprise of two ranks of service: Knights, who are equivalent to Acolytes for purposes for administrative purposes, including Patriarch elections. Above them are Templars, proven to be the elite of the order. They are equivalent to Reverends for Administrative purposes. Templars answer only to a Patriarch, and the Knights answer to their Templar superiors.

This could never go wrong, I know it with all my faith.

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