Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Have Your Peloran Wedding!

Have someone who you can trust to watch your back? Why not make things official with a Peloran Wedding Ceremony, hosted by the Patriarch himself? Those unions blessed by Pelor himself have a strong power to them, and for good reason! You literally have divine protection when near your partner!

For a reasonable donation of 99 gold pieces to the Copolds Faith, this amazing experience can be yours! Take advantage of this offer now, and I will throw in a 25% off coupon for Yorgin's Mastercrafts. What an amazing deal! But remember, this offer cannot be found in stores! Contact Dr. Roland Bloodaxe now!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Today's Happenings

Despite Saint Galwyn's martyred death, we were able to bravely stave off hordes of heretical Androth cultists. Pelor's trust in me was unwavering, as I had witnessed no weakness in my divine power. With my efforts, and thus the implied efforts of Pelor himself, we were able to survive long enough for Katagon to open an escape portal. We went through it, even though we surly could have handled the rest of those fallen to Androth's influence. I could not stand another moment near so many unrepentant heretics. 

Next time, I will have steeled myself to the point where the only mercy they shall see from Pelor, shall be in death. 

A Repentence









Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Today's Happenings

Last Session's Happenings

We bravely fought and slayed the unholy spider. With Pelor's blessings, it was hardly a fight at all.

Then, we continued our deep investigation of the Cult. After interviewing two cult members, we determined that they come from all walks of life, and have diverse motives including job stability.

After exploring the tunnels some more, we come across a sort of office. Borik Stronghand found a secret compartment with 4 books; they were on on alchemy, time travel, ancient peoples of Freevale, and a strange tale of Melandis. A great find, as expected of the Templar of the Order of the Purest Light.

We suspected that putting the books back in their proper location in the nearby bookcase would activate some sort of door. However, the false idol Denir must have misled the party, as nothing happened. Why must heretics exist? Had it not been for them, we would have spent our time more wisely.

During our thorough search of the underground base, a great horn blew, and the cult members flocked down the tunnel. We blended into the misguided flock of cultists, and made it to a ominous gathering point. Damacus Vandril appeared. We could feel his sense of superiority and hear his evil, yet melodious voice.

We watched in horror as he unveiled his captives on display. 

The first was Councilman Avanathus, of Perdigrad. He is a leader of the city, who knows what could happen with demise? We know Perilla Gellard plots a revolution in Perdigrad, maybe his death would be the spark she needs?

The second captive was Sage of Ragrokor, Ortan. His wit and vision led him to created a civilized hobgoblin town, and his wisdom allowed a Copolds temple to be built and run there. If he dies, would the hobgoblins revert to their unbaptized states?

The third captive was Loris Saverin, Magistrate of Melandis. He is the one who started our journey, and gave our company the start it needed. He gave us our purpose. We are in many ways in his eternal debt.

My heart nearly stopped when the fourth captive was revealed to be Galwin. He has looked out for us, the party, and has been our guide through our time in the Order of St. Jauffre, Without him, could we even survive?

The anticipation of what will come next rattles my bones. May Pelor of mercy on their souls, and on ours.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Today's Happenings

We put disguises back on, since the main house was dusty. No reason to sully our Priest's garbs, now.
The we thoroughly investigated the main house, and found the following intel:
  1. Another letter detailing Salandra's elopement.
  2. A portrait of Salandra Vandril, for which I sketched an accurate stencil copy.
  3. A root plant that was responsible for the Estate's cook's death. Mo gave the cook his last Peloran rites.
  4. A map of the Freevale with important annotations.
  5. A scroll with odd writing on it.
After completing our main objective (to gather intel), we shifted our focus to the odd statue in the courtyard. I determined the stone statue was hollow, with my keen sense of stone. Mo read out the statue's inscription, which activated a secret staircase to a mysterious underground. There, we expertly avoided traps and came across a mass gathering of the Cultists. 

It seemed like Pelor guided me by instinct, since the real filth that the disguises protected us from are the Cultists of Androth. WIth them, we were able to blend in and begin to gather intel we couldn't begin to fathom. Before that, however, my "instincts" (In truth, Pelor's subconscious guiding) again led me towards an unholy beast, a giant spider we must defeat.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Today's Happenings

As we ventured forth, we came across a series of volcanic vents. I was obviously able to cross the treacherous vents with Pelor's blessing.

We move onto the prairie, where Mr. "the heretic" Tran discovered a locked box. Tran was able to open it, revealing a mysterious map, and an old Book of Balmera. I am able to figure out the map Tran found is a mining survey map, so it could be used to find treasure.

As we edged towards our destination, we had a touching moment with Galwyn. This did not stop our dreams of doom, our croak dreams. Maybe being mushy with a non-believer is a bad idea?

We continued our trek towards the Vandrille Estate, for which Galwyn scouted ahead. He instructs us not to enter the estate without him. While trailing behind, Mo Kaelin found an odd totem. Interested in its religious meaning, I read the totem's inscription and received a mysterious blessing. Of ocurse it was likely from Pelor, or maybe one of his underling deities. There was a tribute of silver coins buried under the totem, so whoever left it there must have had almost as much devotion as I do to Pelor.

Charles found a abandoned tower, where we discovered the Vanrdille clan banner. Vandrille banner is maroon field with a silver crown, a nice design. Too bad it belongs to an enemy.

We meet at the rendezvous point where we waited for Galwyn. No horrific dreams, just tension-filled dreams instead. Deciding Galwyn may be in trouble, we began to infiltrate the estate.

Our hands burn and and our hands are magically branded with an odd, heretical symbol. I remembered the symbol is similar to a script found with Cult of Androth member we slayed at the Rusty Scabbard inn, months ago. I resisted the deep urge to purge the symbol from my hands, though Buddy could not. His devotion to Pelor is so deep.

I made my own entrance through the estate's walls, using the spell Stone Shape. While investigating the estate, we find it is seemingly abandoned. I expertly find a parchment that says "The lady has made her decision. The lady is going to abscond from her brother, as she can no longer take his madness." "The lady" is likely Lady Vandrille, who I now feel could be a great ally for the cause. 

Buddy realized the estate's fountain was filled with scum, and decides to dunk his head inside in a moment of divine inspiration. He was able to find a silver key. The key is able to open the door to the main house. The party splits into two groups, one enters the main house while the other enters a courtyard.

Now, we shall discover what awaits.